You’ve probably heard the term ‘evergreen content’ being thrown around when it comes to your content creation strategy, but what is it and why do we need it? To sum it up in a sentence, it’s content that stays relevant, valuable and isn’t time-sensitive. Long after it’s published, evergreen content continues to drive traffic. Read on to learn more about this valuable content type and how you can benefit from it within your business.
To help us understand what constitutes evergreen content, it is helpful to know the sort of content that is not evergreen. This includes:
This sort of content may be popular at the time of posting, which has its own benefits. However, as time passes, it’s possible the content will fall ‘out of style’. Evergreen content, on the other hand, includes:
Including one of these formats in your content creation won’t automatically make it evergreen, however, these formats lend themselves nicely to evergreen content. For example, a practical ‘How To’ video on how to use a product is likely to continue to be useful for the viewer after the original publication.
Provide industry tips and advice:
For example, we created a blog post for our clients Alpha Crew providing tips on how to begin a career within the security industry. This post is unlikely to become irrelevant due to the fact that it’s an industry that will continue to offer job opportunities, with people continually seeking more information about this career path. Therefore it’s likely that this post will continue to drive traffic over a long time frame. This type of content will help Alpha Crew to stay relevant within their industry.
People are always seeking information and will continue to do so indefinitely. Good information is invaluable and by producing content that aims to teach people something new, you are likely creating something that will continue to be engaging for months to come.
Examples include:
“How to setup your exercise bike to ensure good form”
“How to write an engaging email newsletter”
“How to plan the perfect 30th birthday”
Consider what your target audience may be looking to learn and use this as a great starting point for creating valuable How-To content.
Whatever your business, FAQ posts are super valuable for your audience. They’re one of the easiest ways to acquire new customers whilst also saving time answering repetitive questions. Whilst being timelessly valuable, FAQ pages also drive new website traffic. This is down to the fact that Google’s main goal is to answer questions, so by putting your text in a Q&A format, you’re doing half the search engines work. To keep FAQ content evergreen be sure to update the post with any relevant new information.
Here are some ideas of content to include within your FAQ page:
Building trust with your audience is a great way to encourage conversions. A “Meet the Team” post helps potential and existing clients alike get to know the people behind the business, which in turn builds relationships and trust. This type of post is a great example of valuable evergreen content, as learning more about who makes up your business is something that will remain beneficial to the audience indefinitely.
How are you going to use these tips to make your content more evergreen? If you’d like to chat with us about our content creation services please give us a shout at We’d love to hear from you!